Does your club want to make a huge impact this year? District 5280, along with District 5340's La Mesa Sunrise Club and multiple other US Districts, and Rotary partners in Mexico have joined to together to address a serious problem in the United States. The lack of access to clean water! Lack of access to running water is an issue in many developing countries, but it is also a problem in the United States. Nearly 40 percent of homes in the Navajo Nation lack running water or sanitation, and many are in such remote areas that they will never be able to connect to a water line. This year, through a Global Grant, Rotary clubs will partner with Dig Deep, a non-profit committed to providing clean, running water and solar panels on the Navajo Reservations in Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.
Their participation in this project will commence Phase 3 of Dig Deep's efforts and provide 305 homes (typically occupied by multiple families in a trailer) with a 1200 gallon clean water take, a sink, pump, heater, solar panel, 3 lights and a carbon monoxide alarm. The cost for the home installation is $4500 each.
A Global Grant #2092465 is now open. The La Mesa Sunrise Rotary Club is one of the participating clubs and has a PBS News Hour video on their website about Dig Deep's work. Click here to watch. This project could use additional help. To support this project, please contact the District 5280 Project Chair: Diane Davis. The project grant writer is Marjorie Heller.