Posted by Dianne Crawford, DG
Rotary's foremost goal remains the global eradication of Polio. This year, there have been 17 cases of Wild Poliovirus, with 9 in Afghanistan and 8 in Pakistan. Eradicating a disease is an immense task, and your support is crucial as we continue to advocate, educate, and fundraise for this vital cause. Information and resources about our campaign to END POLIO can be found at

The Global Polio Eradication Initiative ( offers comprehensive information on the collaborative efforts of Rotary and its partners to eliminate Polio. The GPEI has released a new technical brief titled "Building a Climate-Resilient Polio-Free World," which discusses the link between the climate crisis and polio eradication, providing valuable insights into how we can achieve a polio-free world while ensuring a climate-resilient future.  Click "Read More" to continue article.  
I am asking each club to make a minimum contribution of $1500 to support PolioPlus this year. There are so many ways to fundraise for Polio Plus-get creative!   It is amazing how quickly you can reach this goal just by collecting spare change at each meeting.  Please also consider joining me in making your own contribution to PolioPlus by donating to The Rotary Foundation at   If you make an annual commitment of $100 or more until Polio is eradicated, you qualify to become a member of our District's   PolioPlus Society (Rotary District 5340PPSociety Form.pdf) or Rotary’s KennelKlub (kennel klub (”

Our District PolioPlus/ Don’t Wait Vaccinate Committee members are available to make club presentations and provide support.  Contact District PolioPlus Chair, Beth Garrow at