Many of us have a friend or family member that has been impacted by mental health issues. Our District 5340 DG, Chuck Pretto has made Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health the primary theme of 2022-2023, and we have just learned that Gordon McInally, President Elect for Rotary International will make mental health one of his focus areas next year.
District 5340 will have a walking team at NAMIwalk on Saturday, April 29th, 2023. NAMI is the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Rotary will also be helping NAMI with volunteers. The event starts at 7:00am, the walk is from 8:00am to 9:00am and then the Wellness Expo is open until 11:00am. All proceeds will be used in San Diego and Imperial Counties. Click "Read More" to see how you can help or participate.
So how can you help?
- REGISTER to join our District 5340 Team – click the “Join Our Team” button here.
- INVITE your club members, your family and friends to join our team.
- DONATE and support our team - use the "Support Us" button here.
- VOLUNTEER - Ask your Rotary or Rotaract Club to consider making this a Rotarian at Work project. If you or your club would like to volunteer, please email alanturner.rotary@gmail.com.
Your NAMIwalk Co-Captains, Wendy Urushima-Conn and Alan Turner